Personal Financing >> Bad Credit & Debt Consolidation >> Judgements on credit report
Discussion: Judgements on credit report | - |
| Joined 21 Feb 2022 2:03 pm
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Help just found out that I have a judgement on my credit report. New nothing about this. Lived in some apartment with my boyfriend. My name only on the lease. Moved out before lease was done. Was told I would just have a fee. Moved back to my parents house, they had the address and never contacted me. Work as a waitress so my checks are in the 60 dollar range. They have charged 1800. Is there any way to work out an agrement so this get taken off of my credit report? My parents have told me they would loan me the money. Thanks in advance
| Joined 21 Feb 2022 2:03 pm
3 posts
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anybody out there can help me with the above. Used to discussion boards where someone reads the post, and then post a reply..no one has.....HELP
| Joined 21 Feb 2022 2:03 pm
3 posts
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ok so at the start of the forum it states I have 8 messages, but I see none. any suggestions??
| Joined 23 Feb 2022 11:14 pm
2 posts
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maybe you are looking at the views, i did this at first also. the left is view the right is messages. you have 3 messages and 34 views
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