Estate Planning >> Trusts & Living Trusts >> copy of proper documentation?
Discussion: copy of proper documentation? | - |
law (Offline)
| Joined 13 Mar 2022 3:47 pm
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I'd like to know if there is a way I can get a copy of the documentation(s) or forms that would let me know if I recieved the proper amount and/or any dividends that I inherited within the last 6 months of my fathers will.
My brother was the executor of my fathers will, and he, as well as my other siblings may have purposely kept me in the dark about my full benefits regarding monitary the distribution of this whole affair.
I don't trust my brother's lawyer who is supposed to be representing ALL of the family members. I feel this lawyer may be biased concerning my welfare.
I have spoken with the lawyer twice, but still have gotten no concrete answers. (where is the money being distributed or what documents can I see regarding my benfits in full ) My family dosn't speak to me, so I dont feel I am being fairly treated. As executor, what is brother responsible for telling or reporting to me?
I dont know what to ask for in regards to distribution of funds? or how to obtain any forms regarding my concerns about the accuracy of the will being met as my father wished.
I know that if my familiy could keep information from me, they would. I just would hope that legally I can protect this from happening to myself and my dependents.
I would sicnerely appreciate any help you can give me on this matter.
I live in california.
Look forward to hearing from you.
| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm
144 posts
9.6/10 Rating |
Dear Law,
Please be advised that after a Will is admitted to probate it is a matter of public record. Therefore, you may obtain a copy of the will from the county courthouse after it has been filed. Reading the actual wording of the document will clarify your questions.
Best regards, Customer Support
law (Offline)
| Joined 13 Mar 2022 3:47 pm
2 posts
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I'm sorry if I didnt make myself a little more clear. Lets try this again.
I have a copy of the will, and my brother was the executor of it.
Is there some form or copy of all the assets ( stocks bonds IRA etc. Maybe even property that I am not aware of) (besides the will) that I can get a copy of?
I hope this is making sense. Please be patient. I need to know how my brother dispersed everything, to himself and us.
| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm
144 posts
9.6/10 Rating |
Dear Law,
The probate court must have all the documents for assets filed during the probate of the will. Therefore, we suggest you either to retain an independent attorney, or to address your questions to clerk of the Probate court.
Best regards,
Customer Support
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