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Marriage & Love. Family Affairs >> Love and Marriage with Prenuptial Agreement >> My case

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Discussion: My case-
#260, posted 9 May 2022 9:30 pm100 words
sundra_shi (Offline)

Joined 9 May 2022 9:20 pm

2 posts

I have a condo in maryland. when i bought it, i put $60,000 as down payment. I am going to get married in DC soon.(getting the license in DC) And with discussion with my fiance, we decided to make a clause in the prenuptial that if we get divorced or i die young , that $60,000 should leave to my parents, no matter how much this condo is appreciated or deppreciated in the future or we sell it to buy a new property. So do you have any comment on this. And shall we sign a DC or maryland prenuptial?

#262, posted 11 May 2022 10:51 am, in reply to #26080 words
Customer Support (Offline)

Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm

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Dear sundra_shi,

Fortunately, you may certainly agree on that $60K going to your parents. Actually you may agree on anything that is not against public policy in your state.

As far as you are planning to get married and live in DC we think you need to sign DC Prenuptial Agreement. Anyway, in the Prenuptial Agreement form that we provide there is a line where you write what state’s law will govern your Prenuptial Agreement.

Best regards,

Legal Helpmate Corp.


#264, posted 11 May 2022 12:29 pm, in reply to #26235 words
sundra_shi (Offline)

Joined 9 May 2022 9:20 pm

2 posts

Thank you . So as for the prenuptial agreement for you provide, is there any place specifically letting me write down if we divorce or i pass away, these $60k should go to my parents?


#269, posted 16 May 2022 3:54 pm, in reply to #26440 words
Customer Support (Offline)

Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm

144 posts

9.6/10 Rating
Dear Sundra,

In the Prenuptial Agreement form that we provide there is a paraghaph called "Additions and exclusions" where you may write whatever you think is important for you and your fiance in your marriage.

Best regards,

Legal Helpmate Corp.


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