Estate Planning >> Trusts & Living Trusts >> surving spouse
Discussion: surving spouse | - |
Mike (Offline)
| Joined 16 Jun 2022 11:33 pm
1 post
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I have a mother inlaw who was married and seperated for 40 years. she live in ca and spouse lived in chicago. The spouse passed in a wrongful death ,which a medical lawsuit has been won. The son has taken over not including the surving spouse in the lawsuit for a large sum of money. The son who is not son of the spouse has also sold his dads realestate without including the surviving spouse. The funds for the lawsuit are still being held what action should the surviving spouse take.
| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm
144 posts
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Dear Mike,
Generally speaking, the wife has no rights to the money you received as a result of the medical malpractice suit, because the spouses abandoned each other 40 years ago.
As far as she has no marital rights with regard to her "legally husband" - she can not share in the lawsuit.
Please be advised that Legal Helpmate is not a law firm and we do not give legal advice to the public. The above information is given for your information only.
Best regards, Legal Helpmate Corp.
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