Real Estate >> Landlord & Tenant >> water damage in a condo
Discussion: water damage in a condo | - |
| Joined 29 Jul 2022 9:03 am
1 post
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I live in a condo in CA which I own. Or A/C leaked water into the unit below us and caused water damage to the ceiling and wall. The neighbor was away for 3 months while this was occuring so did not notify us until hr return. Are we responsible for the repair to her unit caused by this leak?
| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm
144 posts
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Dear billolive,
We think that you are responsible for the damage to your neighbor’s condo.
However, we suggest you to consult an attorney with regards to the details of this damage. An attorney will read your condo agreement and give you an educated answer.
Best regards,
Legal Helpmate Corp.
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