Real Estate >> Obtaining a Mortgage or a Loan >> I have been turned down for a loan
Discussion: I have been turned down for a loan | - |
Bob (Offline)
| Joined 27 Apr 2022 2:03 pm
1 post
4/10 Rating |
I have been turned down for a loan. What to do to find out why it happened?

| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm
136 posts
9.6/10 Rating |
Dear Bob,
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you may be entitled to receive a free copy of your personal credit report if you have been declined credit, employment or housing in the last 60 days, or if adverse action has been taken against you in the last 60 days, based on information from Experian, Trans Union or Equifax. To confirm your eligibility and to request your free copy delivered by U.S. mail*, please call 1 866 200 6020 (Note: 866 is a toll-free number).
Some state laws require free reports or a lesser fee for consumers in their states, and credit reports are taxed in some states. To confirm your eligibility and to request your free copy delivered by U.S. mail*, please call 1 866 200 6020.
Also we invite you to visit our "Free Credit Report" forum where you can find more helpful information.
Best regards, Customer Support

| Joined 14 Sep 2021 5:32 pm
1 post
Unrated |
Bob, were you every able to secure a home loan?
Deyan (Offline)
| Joined 27 Jul 2022 7:23 am
1 post
Unrated |
Why Don't you simply contact those in charge ... Sometimes it is that simple ... That way you may understand WHY, not get your loan though ...
An Idea Ahead
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