Power of Attorney >> Granting Broad Powers >> Power of Attorney legal in the State of Florida
Discussion: Power of Attorney legal in the State of Florida | - |
Luis (Offline)
| Joined 29 Jul 2022 2:04 pm
1 post
7/10 Rating |
I am selling my apartment in Fla. The buyer is mother & Son who llive in NYC. The mother cannot travel to Fla for the closing and the son obtained a Power of Attorney to sign for her. Is the Power of Attorney legal in the State of Florida?
Thanks for any help.
| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm
144 posts
9.6/10 Rating |
Dear Luis,
Generally, a Power of attorney is valid if it is voluntarily executed by a competent person over age 18 (some states 19), signed by a grantor and notarized. Most states, including Florida and NY, follow the Uniform Power of Attorney Act requirements. Therefore, if it was issued in accordance with the Uniform Power of Attorney Act, it is valid.
Best regards, Customer Support
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