Power of Attorney >> Granting Broad Powers >> Multiple parties listed in power of attorney
Discussion: Multiple parties listed in power of attorney | - |
| Joined 21 Sep 2021 1:20 pm
1 post
8.5/10 Rating |
Dear Legal Helpmate,
I need to determine if there are multiple parties listed on a power of attorney must act together or as a group.
It was drafted in Alabama as a result of my sister in laws injury. It basically says we can handle any transactions on her behalf but the bank is trying to say it has to specify that we can act individually.
Thank you very much
| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm
144 posts
9.6/10 Rating |
Dear Sharee,
Thank you for visiting our website.
We understand from your post that you were appointed as one of the agents by a power of attorney in Alabama.
It is hard to answer your question without seeing the document.
Usually, a typical Power of attorney form contains particular wording that makes it clear whether the agents must act together or each can act separately. If it was not decided in the Power of attorney the Bank has a right to ask both agents to act in concert.
Best regards, Customer Support
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