Real Estate >> Buying a Home & Selling a Home >> Buying a Home - Down Payment Assistance?
Discussion: Buying a Home - Down Payment Assistance? | + |
Mel (Offline)
| Joined 25 May 2022 9:59 am
2 posts
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There's a nonprofit organization out there called "Newsong" that gives away down payment grants. I wasn't talking about the scams out there.
This is what I meant: http://www.buyers-assistance.com/index.html
However, there is a buyers fee of $250 and the buyer has to donate some of the profits of the sale of their house to the foundation and I just don't see many people doing that.
So I was asking if anyone knew of or heard of of villages/towns giving away grants for people in my situation. Because I do not want to have to buy a book that has over 1,000 listings of grants unless I know for sure its going to help me.
Mel - melsbox25@hotmail.com
Please visit this site if you're in the same boat: www.housingillinois.org
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