Estate Planning >> Elder Law >> How to handle financial affairs of incompetent?
Discussion: How to handle financial affairs of incompetent? | - |
| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:00 pm
2 posts
9/10 Rating |
My mother is legally blind, and I have handled all of her finances for her for several years now.
In the last two years she has become a victim of dementia. I have had some problems with her bank not allowing me to use her debit card recently.
We have lived in this town for years, I have always handled her account, even signed her checks right in front of the tellers.
Now they say I can't have anything to do with her account. I want to switch bank accounts, but apparently I need power of attorney to do so... but she's already too incompetent to sign something for a notary.
What course of action do we take now? If you could point me in the right direction, I would be so appreciative.
Thank you!
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