Marriage & Love. Family Affairs >> Love and Marriage with Prenuptial Agreement >> Prenup - Atty Needed?
Discussion: Prenup - Atty Needed? | - |
Penny (Offline)
| Joined 11 Jan 2022 2:49 pm
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Greetings, I just received an opinion from an atty who said that he strongly encourages the use of an atty for many reasons. Is this valid or is he solely trying to get my business here? I was going to use a standard form. My fiance' has 3 children.
Thank you,
Penny (Florida)
| Joined 16 Jan 2022 5:42 pm
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hi. im not really replying to this message. i have a question and this is the only way i could figure out how to send a message. ok, if the marriage has a pre-nuptial agreement what happens if one of the spouses commits adultery and the couple gets a divorce? does the pre-nup mean anything if adultery is commited? i'm so confused on that subject. please write back whoever gets this message if you know the answer to my question. thank you!
- Corrie (TX)
| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm
144 posts
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Dear Csurrychik8813,
If you have a Prenuptial Agreement, the court will make division of your property in acccordance with your agreement. The ground for divorce does not matter as far as you have the agreement.
However, the court may take into consideration adultery of one of the spouses.
Please be advised that Legal Helpmate is not a law firm and we do not give legal advice to the public.
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Legal Helpmate Corp.
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