Dear Dave,
Please be informed that:
A Prenuptial Agreement, also known as a Prenuptial or Ante-Nuptial Agreement, is a contract that two people sign prior to getting married. Its purpose is to define their rights and benefits and to settle questions of property division, alimony, and/or inheritance if the marriage ends because of death, separation, or divorce. It allows the signers to protect assets that they had acquired prior to the marriage. Without such an agreement, current state law requirements will determine these matters. An agreement simply allows the couple to follow their own rules, in as much detail as they wish.
So, the answer to your question is "YES".
You need to create a "Separate Property and Financial Statements" where you can specify all assets that you and your prospective spouse would like to keep as separate property.
After completing the "Separate Property and Financial Statements" you have to attach it to your Prenuptial Agreement.
Our website provide highly detailed, created by professionals, easy to complete Prenuptial Agreement with Separate Property and Financial Statements at:
Best regards, Customer Support