quasi contract
A quasi-contract, also called an implied-in-law contract, is a legal substitute for a contract. A quasi-contract is a contract that should have been formed, even though in reality it was not. It is used when a court wishes to create an obligation upon a non-contracting party to avoid injustice and to ensure fairness. To determine that Defendant is liable … Full Definition »
Law topic: Contract Drafting, Review & Negotiation << Legal issue: Contracts
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chain of title
'Chain of Title' is literally a history of ownership of a particular piece of real property. Chain of Title runs from the original owner to a current proprietor, showing dates when property was sold and names of buyers/sellers. It also reflects any incumbrances placed on the real property. The County Clerks office records all transactions made with … Full Definition »
Charles J ArenaAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Personal Injury, Professional Malpractice, Family Law, Business Law, Workers Compensation
Thomas G LemonAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Personal Injury, Landlord & Tenant Law, Criminal Defense, Workers Compensation
Ryan S CoppleAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Landlord & Tenant Law, Bankruptcy Law, Labor & Employment Law, Insurance Litigation, Workers Compensation
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