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Legal Word of the Day
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- franchise
- is a business method where independent owners buy and operate someone else’s well known business under license agreement to distribute goods or services.
A franchisee must continue his business according to the established standards and practices of the franchisor.
A franchisee pays the proprietary owner an initial fee and royalties for use of the … Full Definition »
Thomas R EdwardsAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Personal Injury, Professional Malpractice, Administrative Law, Tax Law, Bankruptcy Law, Admiralty & Maritime Law, Animal Law
Gregory P FarrarAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Personal Injury, Family Law, Elder Law, Real Estate Law, Bankruptcy Law, Trusts & Estate Planning, Litigation, Animal Law
Karl G PopowicsAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Personal Injury, Professional Malpractice, Animal Law, Workers Compensation
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