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Monitor is a new term approved by the NY legislature in 2008 in connection with the new Power of attorney laws of NY. The purpose of appointing a monitor is to prevent elder abuse and abuse of a power of attorney. A monitor can be appointed by the principal in the Power of attorney and is given the authority to request, receive, and seek to compel the … Full Definition »
John D HarrellAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Insurance Litigation
Kathleen J SwansonAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Personal Injury, Labor & Employment Law, Insurance Litigation
Marc O DedmanAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Labor & Employment Law, Insurance Litigation
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The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of EnronThe Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron
by Bethany McLean, Peter Elkind
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