Probate Legal Terms and Legal Words. Wills & Probate Terminology

claim against an estate
a written statement filed with the executor or administrator of the estate by a creditor of a deceased person. Bringing a claim against an estate you are telling the representative of the decedent that the decedent owed you money. Many courts have official forms for the claim against decedent's estate. It is a very simple form stating the names of a … Full Definition »
Law topic: Probate << Legal issue: Wills & Probate
interested person
“Interested person” means any person who may reasonably be expected to be affected by the outcome of the particular proceeding involved. In any proceeding affecting the estate or the rights of a beneficiary in the estate, the personal representative of the estate shall be deemed to be an interested person. The term does not include a beneficiary who has … Full Definition »
Law topic: Probate << Legal issue: Wills & Probate
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claim against an estate
a written statement filed with the executor or administrator of the estate by a creditor of a deceased person. Bringing a claim against an estate you are telling the representative of the decedent that the decedent owed you money. Many courts have official forms for the claim against decedent's estate. It is a very simple form stating the names of a … Full Definition »
John ConleyAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Personal Injury, Family Law, Criminal Defense, Labor & Employment Law, Constitutional Law & Civil Rights, Military Law & Military Benefits
Cecilia A WelchAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Family Law, Landlord & Tenant Law, Criminal Defense, Wills & Probate, Consumer Protection, Alternate Dispute Resolution, Trusts & Estate Planning, Military Law & Military Benefits
Elizabeth G RobertsonAttorney at LawPRACTICE AREA: Health Care Law, Military Law & Military Benefits
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