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Marriage Requirements - Opposite Sexes. In all states except Hawaii, couples must be of the opposite sex to form a valid Marriage. Recently, the state courts in Hawaii decided a Marriage license couldn’t be denied based on the sex of the applicants. This decision was considered a milestone victory for gays. Even though most states do not allow same-sex Marriages, many companies and other organizations are adopting policies accepting same-sex relationships. Such policies range from fair housing regulations to granting traditional marital benefits, such as insurance coverage, to same-sex partners.
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Legal Articles about Prenuptial Agreement
Prenuptial Agreement Frequently Asked Questions
Love is the best medicine in the world. It gives everyone a reason to live, a reason to work, a reason to keep going ...
Prenuptial Agreements Advantages
The brief discussion of the advantages of prenuptial agreements ...
Marriage is good for men
Men who become widowed or divorced may lose more than a spouse. They are also likely ...
Want More Sex? Marijuana Smokers Get Lucky More Often
"The overall trend we saw applied to people of both sexes and all races, ages, education levels, income groups and religions, every health status, whether they were married or single and whether or not they had kids," he said in a statement. However ...
Opinion: Southern Poverty Law Center just likes to bask conservatives
Columbia Daily Herald
The article references the Southern Poverty Law Center in declaring the Family Research Council a “hate group.” Why a “hate group?” Because they support the traditional definition of marriage as being between members of opposite sexes, and hold to a ...