Marriage & Love. Family Affairs >> Love and Marriage with Prenuptial Agreement >> Prenup for Only Child - Protect Inheritance?
Discussion: Prenup for Only Child - Protect Inheritance? | - |
| Joined 28 Jun 2022 2:42 pm
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I am an only child and stand to inherit a decent amount of money. My parents are still alive, however I am the sole beneficiary to their estate and also have power of attorney. Marriage is on the horizon for me and I want to know if I need a prenuptual agreement to protect my future inheritance. It is my understanding that my future husband cannot claim my inheritnace as long as I dont spend my inheritance on something that would be marital property. Is that true?
I really do not want to go through getting a prenuptual agreement. Aside from my future inheritance, I do not own any real estate or anything worth protecting. Are there any alternatives to a prenup that I can establish to protect my inheritance and the little money I have saved? How about a revocable living trust?
Since I have power of attorney over parents, if I am married and I die before them and my husband. Does that power of attorney transfer to my husband? I wouldnt want that either.
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