Power of Attorney >> Granting Broad Powers >> Military power of attorney
Discussion: Military power of attorney | + |
| Joined 26 Jan 2022 1:01 pm
25 posts
9.4/10 Rating |
Dear Ms. Nora
We understand the seriousness and sensitivity of the situation you described in your post. The question you asked involves many complicated and controversial issues.
Most of child custody issues are usually not simple. The judge grounds his opinion on a very subjective standard of “best interest of the child”. We cannot interpret the judge’s decision and tell you exactly why the judge granted custody to the EX foster mom.
Moreover, please be advised that the custody may not be granted by a Power of Attorney. Only Court has discretion to decide this matter.
We believe that it is in the best interest of the grandmother and the child to retain an Attorney experienced in domestic relations matters.
If your income does not allow you to hire an Attorney, we suggest you to turn for help to Legal Aid Society.
For your convenience please find the bottom links to website of "Georgia Legal Services Program and the Pro Bono Project of the State Bar of Georgia" at:
As you already know, we are not a law firm and we may not give an advice to you no matter how sincere we want to help you.
Best regards,
Customer Support
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