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 Statistics: 41 people online; 37 members; 35 topics; 67 messages; 11,553 words  20 Apr 2022 1:10 pm 

Marriage & Love. Family Affairs >> Love and Marriage >> How about a Post-Nuptial Agreement

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Discussion: How about a Post-Nuptial Agreement+

#68, posted Yesterday 11:21 am189 words
lilkiss (Offline)

Joined 18 Apr 2022 8:22 pm

2 posts

my question was my husband and I were going threw a divorce a year ago then last summer we had got back togather.when we did he bought me another wedding ring which was costly we typed up a document and had it noterized saying I would keep my ring if it did not work out .we both signed the paper.then we typed up another document on my 16 year olds car my husband bought it and is paying the insurance on it till shes 18he said on the document that it was a gift to her from him ..This is his step daughter.we had that document signed also and noterizied..Now my husband contacted his lawyer saying he wants to finish the divorce from last year that would have been finished last november .we still had till this november for the divorce to get finelized. I want to know what my rights are these documents we typed up and signed and had noterized are from the time we had gotten back to gather .Please help me with knowing somewhat to exspect I live in minnesota if that matters .thank you

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