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Credit Report  


What is a Credit Score? The three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union are similar and feature a "Credit Score", which is created from credit report data submitted to them about you. Their report includes where you live, your bill-paying habits, and bankruptcy and arrest information. The information compiled by them is used to determine whether you would be a good borrower. It may also be used by a business to decide whether you would be a good employee.

 Why you need to see your Credit Report?

Your credit score is important for obtaining credit. Your credit score is important to know, whether you need a new credit card, an auto loan, or a mortgage. Lenders use your credit scores to decide whether you are a good credit risk. If you have a high credit score, you are more likely to obtain the best rates.

Another reason why you need to see your credit report is to know if credit report contains errors. Mistakes do happen. Most people have forgotten a payment or two, but it's quite different when somebody else's mistakes cause false delinquencies and problems on your report. Fixing such errors is important because unfavorable information on your credit report, whether it is accurate or a mistake, affects your ability to borrow money.

Identity theft is a crucial reason to know what is on your credit report. Identity theft is a crime in which someone pretends to be you by obtaining key pieces of information such as your Social Security and driver's license numbers, and obtains a credit card or a loan, merchandise or services in your name. You are left with a ruined credit history. Last year, the identity of an estimated 7 million Americans was stolen. The easiest way to find out if you are a victim is to see your credit report. The longer you are not aware of what is happening, the more time-consuming and complicated becomes the task of repairing the damage.

How to Read Credit Report
How to Read Credit Score & Analysis
How to Read Credit Report and Debt Analysis
How to Read 3-in-1 Credit Report

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    Get Credit Report
  • Do you want a free Credit Report?
  • Do you want an online Credit Report?
  • Do you want a free online Credit Report?
  • Would you like to do your own Credit Check?
  • Are you ready to find out your Credit Score?
  • Do you want to make your Credit Score higher?
  • Do you want to repair your Credit History online?
 How do you use your credit report?

You can correct errors. Imagine that you are punctual in your payments, but for some reason one is reported as late. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires that both the credit bureau and the reporting business correct mistakes or incomplete information on your report. But you have to let them know in writing. If any creditor agrees there is a mistake, they must notify the other credit bureaus so they can correct the information in their files. If the disputed item cannot be verified, it must be deleted from your files. We can inform you in greater detail on the steps to be taken to clear mistakes in your credit report.


LegalHelper gives you resources that allow you to find information about Banking and Finance Law, Credit Report and Credit History affairs and to understand what is Credit Score and Identity theft:

* Read credit report facts
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* Read credit report FAQ's

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